• http://catspaintings-01.eklablog.com/ = the cat in art from 15th to end 19th century


    Miwa Aoki - Biography



    Miwa Aoki was born in Oomori, Ota-ku, Tokyo in 1963.

    She took oil and watercolor lessons with Masahiro Hidaka of western painting, for 10 years since the age of 5. After graduating from Den-enchofu Futaba Gakuen, she received B.A. degree from the Secondary session, Department of Literature, Waseda University.

    Miwa Aoki is coached by Shigeru Yata in watercolor paintings.

    Since 1990, she has created illustration works for advertising and publishing industries.

    A common scene in life, such as a scene in a room or in the street, and flowers, vegetables, sundries are painted in watercolors.








    Miwa Aoki





    Miwa Aoki





    Miwa Aoki




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